Don´t take a pill to sleep!!Hypnotherapy induces relax state using individualized methods and techniques based on interpretation of lights sounds and …
This is the premium iPad hypnosis app on the app store. The swirly images seen in the screenshots rotate around and around, causing an extremely hypno …
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. has developed an easy-to-use Hyponatremia Registry Study Results Interactive Tool to help you understand how the s …
Hyway for mobilephone.This App is a free for everybody/company. It's an existing service, it can work without the app.This app is free, neither subscr …
HywayBrowser+ for mobilephone.This App is a free for everybody/company. It's an existing service, it can work without the app.This app is free, neithe …
Retrouvez les abstracts et le programme du congrès de la Société Française d’Hématologie qui se déroulera du 1er au 3 avril, au CNIT, à Paris La Défen …
Se faire opérer - pour l'enfant ou l’adolescent comme pour l'adulte - c'est plonger dans un monde inconnu où se mêlent confusément divers types de sen …
Jest to polska wersja angielskiej aplikacji Cosmos Explorer. Umożliwia ona poznanie w łatwy i przystępny sposób podstaw astronomii. Do każdego opisane …
Learn interesting and funny astronomy facts. You can increase your knowledge and information about the astronomy & space by using our application.SETT …
A simple Astronomy Picture Of the Day, currently you can only view the picture available for the day, see the explanation and download it to your devi …
Test and increase your Astronomy knowledge answering the questions with this Trivia Game. By the way, entertained you while learning new facts about A …
AstronomyChallenge is a trivia game that tests your knowledge about astronomy. You are guaranteed to learn something new! Can you win the space quiz? …
Haben Sie Lust auf ein kleines Quiz? Ein Quiz bei dem Sie nur dazu lernen können...? Dann ist "AstroQuiz" genau das Richtige. Die Astronomie steht hie …
Astroquiz es un divertido programa de preguntas y respuestas con el que podrás aprender astronomía a la vez que lo pasas en grande.Más de 300 pregunta …
This application allows the student to interact with the university and get all the services offered by the university where they can access electroni …