HST calculator
HST calculator is designed for hypertrophy specific training method. The app has a build in hst- calculator and logbook for the hst-cycle. The program …
HST calculator
InoStock Lite - Stocks Widget
InoStock is a set of widget (stocks widget) to easily track the evolution of your stock.With InoStock it is finally possible to follow stocks in many …
InoStock Lite - Stocks Widget
Earthquake Geo Survey
Earthquake Geo Survey is an application that can be used by earth-scientists and engineers during field surveys in order to report the earthquake-indu …
Earthquake Geo Survey
Investar: Indian Stock Market
Features of full version (available with 1-min/5-min in-app purchase - subscription of 1year) for NSE stocks and F&O.1. Live intraday candlestick char …
Investar: Indian Stock Market
Shopping Grocery List + Widget
My Shopping List / Grocery List + Widget - PRO*NEW FEATURES*+Import Ingredient-List from Recipe-Bookhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org. …
Shopping Grocery List + Widget
Shopping Grocery List - Free
My Shopping List / My Grocery ListWith this free shopping / grocery list app, it is possible to create and manage multiple shopping lists and personal …
Shopping Grocery List - Free
珠寶世界 - 匹配3益智
號的1 。比賽3街機遊戲到Android設備槽谷歌的發揮。珠寶世界是一個很容易上癮的比賽 - 3益智遊戲。移動和匹配三個或更多的寶石來打通超過200的水平在這個全新的解謎冒險遊戲。每一個層次是像一個不同的拼圖,你需要使用你的大腦得到低谷了。珠寶世界為基礎的職匹配 - 3遊戲與五顏六色的寶石和粉碎效果 …
珠寶世界 - 匹配3益智
幸運的賭場 - 老虎機
幸運的賭場老虎機是免費多行的高支出的老虎機。幸運的賭場包含了許多的解開小遊戲和功能,讓你玩長。遊戲中有在線排行榜和成就,與您的朋友,這樣你可以比較你的分數。水平和升級你的老虎機成為幸運賭場之王!如果你喜歡其他的拉斯維加斯風格的老虎機遊戲像slotomania插槽城市,你一定會喜歡這個遊戲。★幸運賭場 …
幸運的賭場 - 老虎機