
「あれ・・・あの席の人、名前なんだっけ・・・さっき自己紹介されたばかりなのに!」「席替えしたいけど、考えるのが面倒・・・。」そんな合コン、交流会、勉強会、研修に必携アプリです。何かの集まりで自己紹介された人の名前・・・終わるまで覚え続けられますか?このアプリを使って、全員の名前と座る位置をメモしてお …

I will carry out lot with the stick of ice! Choose a number and the mode and pull a stick. - Number mode (default) : it can use for a turn arrangement …
Simple Roulette

This is simple roulette.- The number of digits can choose between 10-2.( I will start in the same number as the last time the next time start-up )I wi …

Isn't there that it becomes impossible the photograph taken where or to remember? It is OK! All the problems are solutions in this application! By …
Kaeru Mail

Mail of "returning from now on" to the family repeated every day. This is troublesome. Addresses are also only few [ together and the contents ] diffe …

In inputting a name, it can extract one person at random. - Decide a presenter. - Decide those who go laying-in. - Decide the object of a punishment.免 …