
Stock Hunter

Stock Hunter is a powerful stock search engineHunter:We provide a variety of technical indicators to help you figure out what you are interested in st …

Calculator@ is simple but powerful Distinguishing feature:1.Modify the formula in any of the items 2.Set each formula items multiplier3.Display formul …

exPhoto is the photography app that lets you view your photos with Beautiful ThumbnailsDo you think the thumbnail which on system Photos is not only s …

WebDisk+ is a Push verion of WebDisk It have all Full functionality of WebDisk .lets your iphone/ipad become a file website over wi-fi netwrk.You can …

WebMusic is a mp3 music player  Lets you easy to upload your mp3 to your iPhone/iPad  1.Music player  Support Play 、Pause、Next、 Previous…  I am a musi …
Photo Website

Photo Website lets your Camera Roll to become a website1.Let Camera Roll to become a websiteThe app let the iphone/ipad become a website It is a wifi …

WebDisk lets your iphone/ipad become a file website over wi-fi netwrk.You can upload/download your document to your iphone/ipad on your pc browser ove …

Air-Photos is a wifi photo Viewer lets you direct view your photos from your computer without sync. Do you think that is very troublesome to import ph …