Мобильный клиент сервиса для организации домашнего задания HomeWorks от Ant3Dstudio. При помощи клиента возможно:- следить за расписанием группы- след …
The gameplay is similar to the classic Arkanoid: you beat the ball moving the platform so that the ball hits the flying away colored blocks on the scr …
Meet - Real Ball Modern! The new version has improved physics, new graphics and system aRadio! Added a setting to control the paddle.The gameplay is s …
Program «Examenator» designed for easy writing, editing and storage of examination questions.With a simple, intuitive and fast functional everyone can …
Program «Examenator» designed for easy writing, editing and storage of examination questions.With a simple, intuitive and fast functional everyone can …
Cartoon dialogue or Online Paint - a program for communication between users with graphics by hand. Speaking the language of jargon - is an online dra …