Hi locker是一款具有Android Lollipop的圖形介面、通知系統、鎖屏介面及傳統鎖屏介面的鎖屏軟體。Hi Locker將帶給您最新又熟悉的實用鎖屏。特色:★ Hi Locker,是一款可以自訂個人風格的鎖屏APP。 ★ Hi Locker的獨特特色: 自動更換一些讓您感到窩心和有趣的 …
You have photos or videos on your phone and you don't want children, friends or others people to see it? Gallery Plus will help you keep it safe, it t …
When you left your smart phone in somewhere, somebody will try to access yours. You want to know who has tried to access it? You want to find your los …