AppStar sl

AppStar sl

宗吉宗籍兒童,為兒童。這是一個很好的方式教孩子計算。出於這個原因,宗吉孩子們的可愛和滑稽的數字字符。它的界面友好和製作兒童心靈。宗吉孩子們有一個廣泛的水平,調整難度。它可以讓孩子逐漸學習與號碼,將它們添加和減去這種方式獲得最佳的計算能力,同時具有樂趣。該應用程序使用in-app購買。最初有10個免費 …

Pellex 3 is a puzzle game in matrix form. You have to solve the puzzle by rotating dice to turn them all into the same color. The matrix has only thre …
Pellex3 HD

Pellex3 HD is a puzzle game in matrix form. You have to solve the puzzle by rotating dice to turn them all into the same color. The matrix has only th …
Pellex2 HD

Pellex 2 HD is a puzzle game in matrix form. You have to solve the puzzle by rotating dice to turn them all into the same color. The matrix has only t …

Pellex 2 is a puzzle game in matrix form. You have to solve the puzzle by rotating dice to turn them all into the same color. The matrix has only two …

Starbatt Game is an interstellar war exposition that presents the player as a defender of bomb probe attacks which approach Earth from all directions. …