Roll Timer定时器是我们分析了iPhone自带计时器的设计交互弱点之后,开发的一款创新改进型的app。对此我们参考了IKEA厨用计时器,因为这种旋转定时器的使用方式与iPhone的交互手势习惯一致,所以我们借鉴了IKEA定时器的外形和风格,将一款如此熟悉又方便的定时器带入您的iPhone中。 …
This QR code scanner is an app with fast scan speed, simple interactive experience and fine user interface designed by Chinge. We're striving to make …
Have you had any experience of missing something you wanted to buy without a list when you shopping?Have you had any confusion of how to preserve food …
This is a creative timer focus on interactive experience, used in cooking, laundry, study, nap and other occasions need a short period of time to remi …