StaTable 生產應用 Cytel Inc. - 3月 22, 2012 StaTable provides immediate access to twenty five most commonly used statistical distributions. With just a few keystrokes, the tail area or percentag …
StaTable Lite 生產應用 Cytel Inc. - 3月 20, 2012 StaTable Lite provides immediate access to five statistical distributions: 1) Normal, 2) Chi-Square, 3) Student's t, 4) Non-Central F, 5) Binomial. Wi …
Distributions : StaTable Lite 生產應用 Cytel Inc. - 1月 1, 1970 StaTable Lite provides immediate access to five statistical distributions: 1) Normal, 2) Chi-Square, 3) Student's t, 4) Binomial, 5) Hypergeometri …