The most complete Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and English dictionary on the market. Most of the dictionary on the market right now only has Manda …
Do you want to learn Korean or English? My dictionary will let you learn English or Korean faster! It is very simple to use. Type your word or phrase …
This is a complete Japanese and English dictionary. It contains Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and the English meaning. It is very easy to use. Simply typ …
Super bright flashlight. It uses the phone Camera LED or phone camera flash.A quick little flashlight for your phone or tablet device.I made the flash …
A quick and simple Hindi and English dictionary! It is very easy to use and it is offline. You do not require a data plan. Instructions:Type in your w …
This is the most intuitive and easiest traffic app on the market today. It has a very intuitive user interface that is #1 above all other traffic apps …