Most random numbers used in computer programs are pseudo-random,this means they are generated in a predictable fashion using a mathematical formula.Th …
Workout Timer Pro is a perfect instrument to improve your training routine. All you need right there:Add or Download free workout routines.Add timers …
Would you like to sign in to your server from your iPad?Run commands, execute scripts and much more.Hackers_SSH is a professional terminal app for con …
Denna mjukvara sammanfattar ämnen som tas upp i högskolekurser i algoritmer och datastrukturer, samt en javatolk så man kan provköra sin kod direkt på …
Do your company need to keep up with your competitors?In most companies nowadays a huge part of the turnover is lost in an inefficient purchasing proc …
SDL Edit is a easy to use SDL diagram drawer. Use this tool to create professional flow charts. Easily share your drawings with colleagues through ema …
Hurry up and get to the Helicopters, some diplomats are distressed at sea and threatened by russian fighter jets.Fly the classic "Marines" helicopter …
Classification of your projects using capital budgeting tells you what projects to carry through. This application use methods such as Net present Val …
Kontoplan 2012 fungerar som ett register med sökfunktion. Registret innehåller kontonummer och kontonamn. Kontoplan 2012 innehåller även konton för in …
Evaluate and compare pricings of your products, keep track of your profits. This app uses common methods such as contribution margin and contribution …