"The Trees'Adventure " is the interactive version of Latvian folk fairy tale, which continues the series of interactive teaching aids published by E F …
The interactive game "Find a letter" that operates on iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch is designed for preschool and elementary school-age children, as well …
"The Owl" (Pūce) is a set of interactive tasks in the Latvian language , which continues the series of interactive teaching aids. Interactive tasks ha …
"The Seasons " is the interactive version of Latvian people's fairy tale "How the trees did it", which continues the series of interactive teaching ai …
We have developed an interactive version of Latvian fairy tale “Abra”, which is continues our series of interactive teaching aids.The fairy tale is in …
Азбука для детей дошкольного возрастаДорогие родители!Предлагаем Вашему вниманию русскую Азбуку. В Азбуке интересно изображена(нарисована) каждая бук …
Burtu ābece Latviešu valodas burtu ābece pirmskolas vecuma bērniem, kā arī pieaugušajiem.Piedāvājam latviešu valodas alfabētu, kurā interesanti attēlo …