

The keyboard that helps you chat and text - faster and better than ever. Privately.In an instant your message is complete - many words at once - as se …
Bot or Not

Are you bot, or not? Can you tell real people when you talk to them??Fool everyone! Play the imitation game, to win!Not only in English... many langua …

An Artificial Intelligence from the future has come to test your humanity... with a game of 20 Questions! Play carefully or the Clevernator will get y …

From the makers of Cleverbot comes Cleverme! This hilarious app will learn to talk like you, automatically, while you chat to three new Artificially I …
Talking Pupito

Pupito, is the amazing talking puppy. Chat with Pupito and he answers back. He has his own responses. Pupito brings having your own pet to a whole new …
Clever English

The best way to learn English is by using English naturally.Like chatting online, it is easy and simple to do.Translate as you go.Many real life pract …

Pupito, is the amazing talking puppy. Chat with Pupito and he answers back. He has his own responses and his own cute voice. Pupito brings having your …