Glomerular filtrate by the Cockroft-Gault formula or the MDRD formulaRespect to other similar applications, this one allows a MORE EASY and QUICK intr …
BabyWeight draws the curve of the child’s weight on the graph, from birth to the first months of life, comparing it with the benchmarks suggested by t …
BabyWeight disegna sul grafico la curva di crescita del peso del bambino, dalla nascita ai primi mesi di vita, confrontandola con i parametri di rifer …
Does your daughter love Peppa Pig, or is she a fan of Winx? Is your son crazy about Timmy Turner or Pokemon? Puzzlelize quickly and easily transform a …
This application is proposed as a simple but effective aid to the indication for antithrombotic therapy in non-valvular atrial fibrillation, based on …