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VSB History

The History VSB Course starts with the Congress of Vienna in 1814. It works its way through the Revolution of 1848, the Crimean War in 1853, the Austr …
VSB Iliad

The Iliad VSB Course discusses one of the most famous poems in Western Civilization. The work is attributed to Homer, an ancient Greek epic poet. The …
VSB Odyssey

The Odyssey VSB Course discusses the Odyssey, the sequel to the Iliad, which was composed at about the same time, 1000 B.C.E. The Odyssey is the story …

L´Iliade e´ un poema epico, attribuito ad Omero. E´ ambientato durante i dieci anni di assedio a Troia da parte di una coalizione di stati Greci. In q …

L´Odissea, e´ la sequela dell´Iliade, per quanto ne sappiamo, e´ stata scritta nello stesso periodo, 1000 a.C. L´Odissea e´ la storia di due viaggi. U …