「電Tax」は消費税計算に便利な電卓アプリ!機能充実で通常の電卓としても大変便利です!【最近の主なバージョンアップ】・ライトのON/OFFが可能に!暗い場所でもOK (iPhone4のみ対応)・整数部分での端数処理が可能に(1 or 2桁目)画面上部と下部を左右にスライドさせて、必要な機能をご利用く …
The lighted magnifier.iPhone4/iPhone4s is available only. [Feature] - zoom (digital zoom) - Light ON / OFF - Pause - Copy text to the clipboard[NOTES] …
This is a app of Junky Waltz !!Junky Waltz is Japanese Heavy Rock band !!The app includes a lot of music, movies and images.All music except the bonus …
* As for this application, an advertisement is displayed during the application use for a free copyI get possible to watch a map whileconsidering a ca …
★ iPhone4 possible in light of a flashlight!I get possible to watch a map whileconsidering a camera pictureto use this application. Support Devices:iP …