Basic GPS Data control for your Sony SmartWatchShows Latitude and Longitude, altitude from GPS and GPS data accuracy.Swipe up to set the screen to sta …
Show caller id information overlayed on whatever you are watching through your Google TV device.Requires an NCID server running somewhere on your home …
An alternative home like, large button, menu to use while driving.Pick from list of apps or shortcuts!Customizable iconsWidget Screen SaverGoogle Navi …
car dock simulator triggered by a bluetooth connection.Trigger phone car dock mode when connected to a Bluetooth device like your car stereoand/or pic …
A simple month at a glance control for Sony SmartWatch.Displays the month in a calendar layout. Highlights the current day of the month. Swipe left to …
Provide a speedometer and compass widget which can be used in Car Dock Home v3, or any other widget supporting app, while in car mode.Uses the gps for …
Change system settings when phone is in Car Dock. Restore when undocked.*Max Audio VolumeDisable Screen Timeout*Enable/Check GPSDisable WiFiEnable Blu …
A simple launcher icon that enters or exits car mode. This app does not provide a Car Home, it just puts your phone in car mode. Upon entering car mod …