The Annoying Orange is a series of YouTube videos created by Daneboe and and his company GagFilms. The series originally started out as one video, but …
Zoey was the metaphysical existence of rainbows and happiness, an unseen spirit floating through the winds. That is, until she was captured by the Yog …
John Cochrane, under the username HybridPanda, is a YouTuber and former Machinima Director, as well as a close friend to the Yogscast. HybridPanda has …
Sam joined the website team after thrashing Simon and Lewis at a poker game. Despite his reputation as the Poster-Boy of the Yogs team, Sam prides him …
Dane Boedigheimer, also known as "Daneboe" and "Dane Boedi" (channel daneboe), (born September 28, 1979), is an American voice actor, YouTuber and com …
Alex joined the Yogscast team in 2012 as a Production Assistant. His role is to assist other members of the production team in providing high quality …