Mindfulness for Children is a high quality children meditation App by Psychomotor Therapist and certified mindfulness teacher Pia Holgersen and App de …
Relax with a lot of wonderful sounds of nature? Try to listen to the Sound of Bornholm. The sounds on this app has a calming effect on the nervous sys …
Relax with a lot of wonderful sounds of nature? Try to listen to the Sound of Bornholm. The sounds on this app has a calming effect on the nervous sys …
Lær at meditere. Ved at meditere lærer du at blive mere nærværende og du lærer at skabe positive tilstande for dig selv og andre. Du bliver bedre til …
Mindfulness for børn er kvalitets børne meditationer, skabt af Psykomotorisk terapeut Pia Holgersen og produceret af App udvikler Jannik HolgersenDenn …
Mindfulness for Children is a high quality children meditation App by Psychomotor Therapist and certified mindfulness teacher Pia Holgersen and App de …