GRMagNeto allows the measurement of the natural magnetic field or created with some magnets.A vector indicating the direction of the magnetic field co …
L'application Fêtes enregistre dans le calendrier "Fêtes" s'il existe les fêtes catholiques en france, iCloud se chargera ensuite de remplir l'agenda …
Rentashop Back Office Mobile is designed for managers Rentashop shops and allows inventory management and controls.免費玩Rentashop Backoffice Mobile APP玩 …
Bar Code Sender uses an URL that you specify to send a barcode or QR code as parameter.You scan a bar code, text of the code is displayed as well as t …
Color sender lets you send a color after a touch inside the color wheel to the URL you specify.We use this application for color setting a RGB lamp an …
Application utility for overlaying an old photo over a new shot. Selected image is only a guide for a new one.The reference photo is chosen from the p …
ADEWEB LYON Adapté pour 2013-1014.Le choix de l'emplacement n'est plus nécessaire le projet est unique pour l'ensemble des plannings couvert.Retrouver …
ENGLISHTry to switch picture !Shake it for new pictures.FRANCAISTentez de commuter les images !Secouez pour de nouvelles images.¢Pautex JF, Nancy 2011 …
Supervision application for PLC. This is lite version of PLCLink. some restrictions apply about numbers of items. This is also a full iPad version wit …
Supervision application for PLC or other URL command device. Particularly intended for supervision integrators, for research laboratory, up to end use …