Box 2D Accelerometer Demo Code 教育 John A Casey - 1月 1, 1970 This is a technical demonstration of how to use JBox 2D and Android's SurfaceView. Most of the other demos that I have looked at render using Open …
Box2D Interactive Cogs 教育 John A Casey - 1月 1, 1970 Technical demonstration of how to use JBox 2D with Android's SurfaceView provides an example of how to use Revolute Joints and how to translate to …
3D Cube 教育 John A Casey - 1月 1, 1970 Wireframe projection of a 3D cube using Android's 2D graphics primitives. The application projects the 3D co-ordinates of a Unit Cube, onto the 2D …
Bouncing Circles 教育 John A Casey - 1月 1, 1970 Technical demonstration of collision detection and collision response using circles and simple geometry. The application should scale to different scr …