Breathe is a friendly mindfulness app that helps you stay relaxed by sending you gentle relaxation reminders - "Breathers" - throughout your day.Just …
Let this app WISEN you up. (We’re going to use that pun a few more times, so hold tight)Can you tell Helvetica apart from Arial? How about Times New R …
This app has one, and only one feature - The ability to train in intervals. And it does it WELL, dagnabbit.You already have enough weight to lift or d …
“Oh man.. not another fart app.”Don’t worry, it isn’t. Hold on by the seat of your pants folks, this is Fart Movie for iOS!Take any video in your came …
Want to show your martial arts teacher how much you’ve been improving?Want to impress your friends by showing them how well you can protect them again …
Smooth and dynamic flash cards for Japanese words and characters.Broken into sections which include:-Hiragana and Katakana-Common vocabulary-Common ad …