RollOnBy beautifully mashes your updates from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ into a continuous slideshow. Easily cast it to your TV or watch …
Postermash is a way to enjoy your social feeds hands-free.Choose any combination your Twitter, Facebook or Instagram social networks feeds and Posterm …
Evermatch is a fun and useful iPhone and iPad app to improve your memory with Evernote. Evermatch uses the notes stored in your Evernote account and c …
Use this app to receive and view Slides or entire Presentations in real-time. To broadcast slides a separate PowerPoint plugin is required – available …
Mobilecast lets you broadcast any Microsoft® PowerPoint® slide instantly to mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, BlackBerry and Windo …
Stringnote is an audio and video recorder app for Android devices. Stringnote allows users to double-click their power button to either: take a pictur …
Open your favorite app instantly – no need to slide to unlock, look for that icon on the crowded screen and tap. Double-Click on your device’s power b …