Es’al Emjarib, the first Qatari application designed to offer you insight on businesses in Qatar, figure out what’s trending, and share your experienc …
Es’al Emjarib, the first Bahraini application designed to offer you insight on businesses in Bahrain, figure out what’s trending, and share your exper …
Designed with a local twist, Es’al Emjarib is the first Kuwaiti rating application dedicated to offering you insight on the services sector in Kuwait, …
شرايكم .. تطبيق انشئ بعد ان غابت الدقة عن اغلب الاستفتاءات الالكترونية العربية وانحراف دورها الرئيسي في اظهار الانعكاس الحقيقي والمباشر للشارع لصالح م …