Laudi AS

Laudi AS

BoltTime is a easy and affordable way of measure the time on something with high accuracy.If you are a 100meter runner, or wannabe, you might wanna ti …

Practice makes master.This app focuses on repetitions. Like a soccer player need thousands of touches on the ball to be a good soccer player, a child …

Help!! 911 Help!! 911 may be a lifesaving app when you suddenly are in some sort of critical situation and the time for you to tell either the police …
The Coach Pling

Få resultatene fra kampene du abonnerer på direkte på telefonen!!! Enten det er barnas kamper, eller et lag du heier på. Forutsetningen er at en trene …
Floppy Isaac

Give the right answer before the question hits the ground. You have to think fast, and push the right numbers.Are you a genius?Compete with your frien …