Get all your news in one place and on your home screen in your today view.Updated live and in the background you can glimpse at what’s happening in th …
Ball Breaker is all about breaking blocks with balls using gravity and physics. Think of Breakout played upside down. The aim of the game is to keep b …
You’re out in London. You don’t know where the night will take you but you know you can’t miss the last train home. Leave London tells you exactly wha …
You’re out in London. You don’t know where the night will take you but you know you can’t miss the last train home. Leave London tells you exactly wha …
If you’ve ever been sent an address in a text message and tried to add it to a contact you’ll know why you need this app!With Context you can generate …
Single Friends keeps you up to date with the all of your Facebook friend’s relationships. You can pick men, women or both and any type of relationship …
Life in numbers is unlike any other app in the app store. It gives you information about how you’ll spend the rest of your life. Based on hundreds of …
PC HUD gives you real time performance graphs of your computer’s processor and memory usage.As you’re using your computer have your iOS device act lik …