WhatsStats - Your detailed statistics for WhatsApp You always wanted to know the amount of messages with specific persons? Well then WhatsStats is the …
Growthy Calc - Your Growth Calculator!You wanted to know once more how great you or your child is when it is fully grown? - Then Growthy Calc is just …
HGS App SE - Die HGS in Deiner TascheEndlich ist sie da! - Die HGS App ! Nach langer Wartezeit kannst Du sie Dir nun kostenfrei laden. Mit der HGS App …
With the Dev Helper it's quick and easy to read the following data:* Name* Model* System Name* iOS Version* UDID... and send them easily to eMail, SMS …
Healthy Calc - All your health values in your pocket!With the Healthy Calc all your values have optimal health in mind. No matter whether your BMI, yo …