Summing made easy.No tiresome notes to write down anymore.No tedious switching between the calculator and notes app anymore.Create notes that automati …
'Plus Minus Interesting' is a decision making tool for the technic described by Edward de Bono.No tiresome notes to write down anymore.Manage multiple …
Nutze Dein Potential. Der Helfer bei Deiner persönlichen Individuation. Oft geraten wir in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen schnell an unsere Grenzen. Wi …
Creative collection of your own shoe stock with photos.Enter each of your shoe with the manufacturer, the type, color, location, a photo, and the numb …
"Lyrische Texte zwischen Herz und Verstand, zwischen WAR, IST und WERDEN, das ist Mirko Paschke. Gedanken für die Tiefe und kritisch nachfragend mit s …
Determine the chance and enjoy your music.You would like to hear music?But do not know what?And the everlasting skipping is a pain?Then the Music Pick …
Software for the right balance.The game of your life.Collect points of experience for your own action and change your life.Features:- Create your own …
You would like to hear music?But do not know what?And the everlasting skipping is a pain?Then the Music Picker is made for you.Music Picker makes it p …
The game of your life. Collect points of experience for your own action and change your life.Our life exists of many areas: job, friends, family, heal …
Regia Sockenstricken ganz ohne Sockenkompass!Und endlich mehr Platz in der Handtasche.Größentabellen für Socken mit Fersenkäppchen, Bumerang-Ferse und …