Sunrise & sunset is a widget which will give the time of Sunrise & sunset of the current day at the current location.It will also give information abo …
Sunrise & sunset Pro is a widget which will give the time of Sunrise & sunset of the current day at the current location.It will also give information …
ETower is a mathematical game whose based on speed computations. Given are a serveral building blocks. Only with these blocks the equational towers ca …
Groupcash manager is a handy app to manage the financial issues of a group. Going for a small trip, comprehensive holiday or doing something with the …
Groupcash manager is a handy app to manage the financial issues of a group. Going for a small trip, comprehensive holiday or doing something with the …
Extra day is a simple app which will/can do several computation of leap year(s).For example: you can enter a year, and this app will calculate or the …
Sunrise & sunset Pro is a widget which will give the time of Sunrise & sunset of the current day at the current location.It will also give information …