Coordinate Tools App to convert WGS84 coordinates from the decimal into the deg, min, sec value, show the current location and send the coordinates, c …
Swiss Coords App um SwissGrid (CH1903) - in WGS84 Koordinaten umzurechnen und umgekehrt (CH1903 - WGS84 Grad, Min, Sek - WGS84 Dezimal), die aktuelle …
Coordinate Tools Free App to convert WGS84 coordinates from the decimal into the deg, min, and sec value, show the current location and send the coord …
Swiss Coords App um SwissGrid (CH1903) - in WGS84 Koordinaten umzurechnen und umgekehrt (CH1903 - WGS84 Grad, Min, Sek - WGS84 Dezimal), die aktuelle …