This is Italian - Chinese Traditional and Chinese Traditional - Italian dictionary; Dizionario Italiano - Cinese (tradizionale) e Cinese (tradizionale …
This is Vietnamese - Chinese Simplified and Chinese Simplified - Vietnamese dictionary; Điển Việt - Trung và Trung - Việt / 越南语 - 中文 以及 中文 - 越南语 字典. T …
Kamus Indonesia - Mandarin dan Mandarin - Indonesia; Indonesian - Chinese Simplified and Chinese Simplified - Indonesian dictionary / 印尼语 - 中文 以及 中文 - …
This is French - Chinese Traditional and Chinese Traditional - French dictionary; Dictionnaire Français - Chinois (traditionnel) et Chinois (tradition …
This is Spanish - Chinese Simplified and Chinese Simplified - Spanish dictionary; Diccionario Español - Chino y Chino - Español / 西班牙语 - 中文 以及 中文 - 西班 …
This is English - Chinese Traditional and Chinese Traditional - English dictionary; 英漢(繁體中文)雙向字典. The Application works OFFLINE and does not need the …
This is German - Chinese Simplified and Chinese Simplified - German dictionary; Wörterbuch Deutsch - Chinesisch und Chinesisch - Deutsch / 德语 - 中文 以及 …
This is German - Japanese and Japanese - German dictionary; Wörterbuch Deutsch - Japanisch und Japanisch - Deutsch / ドイツ語 - 日本語、日本語 - ドイツ語辞書. The Appl …
This is Spanish - Malay and Malay - Spanish dictionary; Diccionario Español - Malayo y Malayo - Español / Kamus Sepanyol - Melayu dan Melayu - Sepanyo …
This is Malay - Portuguese and Portuguese - Malay dictionary; Kamus Melayu - Portugis dan Portugis - Melayu / Dicionário Malaio - Português e Portuguê …