Tool to calculate the Disease Activity Score Calculator for Rheumatoid Arthritis.Note: To avoid controversy, I inform you that your application has so …
This simple app, has two tabs, the first one (Home) holds a Life Counter, a Poison Counter and a Chronometer.The second One (Tools) holds two Dices (j …
MuDiRo stands for Multiple Dice Roller.This application is for all the roleplayers that could need a Dice everywhere.The using is very simple, just se …
SMS CONTROL MACHINE (SCM) consente di controllare da remoto il tuo cellulare, in caso di furto, smarrimento o anche solo se lo hai scordato a casa.Il …
This Application is a tool for D&D players, that will allow you to browse between spells form the Base D&D 3.5 Book.You will select a Class and a Leve …
Munchkin Tools is a simple tool for the card game Munchkin.It will allow you to take trace of your levels and gears.Have Fun!Note: To avoid controvers …
Questa applicazione serve a calcolare il segnale atteso tra due antenne, in base a valori quali:- Guadagno delle due antenne (Gain A & Gain B)- Potenz …
Cast Count is a simple application that helps, D&D caster players, to count how much spells the can use.When you run, for the first time, the applicat …
Questo semplice programma vi consentirà di effettuare una ricarica Vodafone senza dover perdere tempo ad ascoltare la voce automatica.Come si fa?Sempl …
This is your android bike computer.You can read speed, distance, actual altitude, average speed in the track and a chronometer.Note: To avoid controve …