Con TRM (Tecnico di radiologia medica) potrai conoscere i compiti e le attitudini che caratterizzano questa professione. L'applicazione offre informaz …
Notes for Watch makes full use of your Apple Watch. How many times did you need to take out your iPhone from your pocket only to check a simple note? …
Weight Tracker is the simplest way to track your weight on your iPhone. Choose to receive a notification to remind you to weigh yourself in the mornin …
Ora sulla copertina di Cooperazione ci sei tu! Scatenati e divertiti! Scatta o carica una tua foto, ma anche una dei tuoi amici o dei familiari per fa …
Select contacts from your library and send them to your Pebble. They are saved on your watch so you can always have your contacts (name, phone number …
Save travel info, shopping list and everything you want on your Pebble!Write notes on your iPhone and send them to your Pebble. This happens in real t …
With this app you can see all the emergency numbers (Police, Medical and Fire) of over 130 Countries. Maybe you don't need it now, but when you go to …