This app prompts the user for Amax in dB (the maximum p-p variation in the passband of the filter), Amin (the minimum response attenuation), Wc in rad …
This app prompts the user to enter the distance from the satellite to earth in km, the radiated power from the satellite in Watts and the gain in dB i …
This app will determine the S/N for FM voice when the user enters the baseband maximum frequency and the RF channel bandwidth in kHz, the de-emphasis …
For a standard NTSC satellite signal enter baseband video bandwidth (BBV BW) in MHz, the the RF bandwidth (RF BW) of the signal transmitted over the s …
This is the noise model of a receiving antenna, where all of the noisy units have been replaced by one noiseless amplifier with a single noise source …
User enters frequency in GHz, Er & Ur, pushes the "Calculate" button and this app calculates phase velocity, wavelength and impedance. As an example, …
Adding a second resistor Rb to the 555 timer and connecting the trigger input to the threshold input causes the timer to self-trigger and run as a mul …
This app prompts the user the user for Amax (p-p maximum variation in the pass band) in dB, Amin (minimum response attenuation), Wc (upper edge of the …
This app is used to determine the ripple factor (e) and the order (n) of the inverse Chebyshev response when the user enters the maximum passband atte …
For ECM, this app is to calculate the J/S ratio for the stand-off jammer (SOJ) situation. In this case, the jammer is at a different location than the …