GUI update. This Game is an implementation of the classic folk game Farkel. It has regular and global high scores. * multiplayer * resumes game after …
onebeartoe JarDiver lets Java developers look up the JAR location of classes.Where in the world is Base64Encoder?免費玩JarDiver APP玩免費免費玩JarDiver AppJarD …
ColorChoooser is an app for graphics and user interface designers. It allows the user to specify a background and foreground and see the results immed …
This application is a sound board for Android mobile devices. Wiggie Wiggie Sound Board provides an interface into the sound bites stored on the mobil …
Record anything and play it back. Browse your recordings and move them off the mobile device via email. Set your recordings as your default ringtone, …
Record anything and play it back. Browse your recordings and move them off the mobile device via email. Set your recordings as your default ringtone, …
This application converts your salary to an hourly rate, based on your average weeks and hours worked.免費玩Salary To Rate - Minus APP玩免費免費玩Salary To Rat …
This application converts your salary to an hourly rate, based on your average weeks and hours worked.免費玩Salary To Rate - Regular APP玩免費免費玩Salary To R …