

FFmpeg原版下载地址:友情提示:本作品为汉化版,安装时请先卸载原版再安装此汉化版。FFmpeg是一套可以用来记录、转换数字音频、视频,并能将其转化为流的开源计算机程序。它包括了目前领先的音/视频编码库libavco …
Lucky Ticket

LUCKY TICKET - a belief and mathematical entertainment based on numerological game with the number of the ticket. The LUCKY TICKET is received in the …

INSTEAD — INterpreter of Simple TExt ADventure. Using INSTEAD you can create and play games that could be classified as a mix of visual novel and text …
Twittery - гадание по Twitter

Испокон веков люди обращаются к гаданиям чтоб узнать свою судьбу. Гадание по твиттеру, это аналог гадания по "Книге перемен" только на современный лад …
GPS Locker

This application locks GPS, working in the background without giving off the GPS even when you turn off the screen. This is useful when switching betw …