Guess backward words. How fast can you reverse your mind?Listen to spoken reversed words and try to find the correct word as fast as possible! The clo …
Exercises and stretches for use in the airplane.Get reminders to help you remember stretching while traveling. Over 40 different stretching exercises …
1 minute of exercises while sitting at your desk.Get a reminder every hour during office hours. Release tension while sitting at your desk, or if you …
Did you know...!? ...but there is a ghost inside you!Let it speak for you!* Write a text* GhostSpeaker writes this text backwards* Try to read this re …
Visst är det lätt att glömma bort städdagar? Här är DatumParkera, din hjälp! Kanske vill du ha en påminnelse dagen innan det är parkeringsförbud utanf …
WalletPhotos - Your own pocket family album!* Makes it easy to show your best family pictures* Store extra information - like cloth sizes.* Add name, …