Tai Le

Tai Le
JARS Money

JARS Money is a FREE APP FOREVER. At the moment, you are easy to find managing money app on the appstore, however each one has functionalities and com …
Chu dai bi

Phật nói: “Nếu trì chú này mãn chín mươi vạn (900.000) biến thì diệt trừ được các tội thật ác, ngũ nghịch và tứ trọng, cho đến nhà thế tục chẳng luận …
Find Couple

Find Couple is a simple game which your used to play when you was young. There are 50 couple of numbers from 1 to 50 which are placed randomly on the …
Chợ 8

Chợ 8’s purpose is to bring the Vietnamese community closer together. We are the tool for local search and advertising companies. Our task is to help …