Filbert, the world's laziest boy, always looks for ways to get out of doing what he is supposed to do, like cleaning his room, taking out the trash, o …
The Things That Go Bump In The Night - a text adventure written by Tim Hamilton.Night security! How did you end up with this nine dollar an hour job. …
A horror text adventure written by Hero Robb.You awaken in a morgue with no memory of how you arrived. Journey deeper into your fears, regrets, and do …
A new version of the text-based adventure "Pirate Adventure" written by Scott Adams and for the first time adapted to Spanish. The gameplay involves m …
Text adventure. A bustling tourist attraction is turned on its head when a medical company makes an error. Bryneli-Med staff flee leaving you to face …
The Things That Go Bump In The Night - a text adventure written by Tim Hamilton.Night security! How did you end up with this nine dollar an hour job. …