

・It is shown that Eleps76 of Eleps76+ has 76 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・T …

・It is shown that Eleps76 has 76 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・The common pi …

・It is shown that Eleps92 of Eleps92+ has 92 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・T …

・It is shown that Eleps92 has 92 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・The common pi …

・It is shown that Eleps84 of Eleps84+ has 84 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・T …

・It is shown that Eleps84 has 84 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・The common pi …

・It is shown that Eleps100 has 100 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・The common …

・It is shown that Eleps116 has 116 pieces which Eleps is the abbreviation for Electron Pieces and have common character like an electron. ・The common …