Get results from what you see with one single touch. Point at a recognizable image, take a picture, and immediately get results from our providers:★ S …
Hazte una foto a ti o a tus amigos y ponle la cara de Rajoy, Zapatero, Aznar o Felipe González. También funciona con fotos de tu galería. Compártelas …
Squares is simple puzzle game:You have a rectangle divided into squares. Each square can be clean or in color. You win when all squares are clean. To …
This is a puzzle based on the four-color theorem. The player has an empty map and has to paint it by using the available colors. There is one restrict …
Polixat (o Polichat) es la aplicación de chat para la Universitat Politècnica de València. Con esta app podrás estar en contacto con toda la gente de …