Golf Servant

The GolfServant by UBVASA provides you with two basic services - handling the score card, and measuring distances.Here follows a summary of the featur …
Discgolf Servant

The DiscgolfServant by UBVASA provides you with two basic services - handling the score card, and measuring distances.Here follows a summary of the fe …

The DS-Lite by UBVASA provides you with two basic services - handling the score card, and measuring distances. It is a light version of the DiscgolfSe …

Do you sometimes end up in situations where you are about to use your phone, but find that it does not have enough (or any) power left? If that is the …

Do you find it hard to remember all the different passwords that you use in your daily life?Are you looking for a password safe application that you c …
Charging Servant

Do you sometimes end up in situations where you are about to use your phone, but find that it does not have enough (or any) power left? If that is the …

The GS_Lite by UBVASA provides you with two basic services - handling the score card, and measuring distances. It is the lite version of the GolfServa …
Password Servant

Do you find it hard to remember all the different passwords that you use in your daily life?Are you looking for a password safe application that you c …