Xiequn Xu

Xiequn Xu

本着着眼提高广大水民们的灌水速度和网络阅读理解能力,我们特此推出灌水缩写考试应用。本应用搜集并例举了大量常见的网络流行语的拼音缩写,并通过考试的方式呈现给用户,进而加深对这些拼音缩写的印象,真正做到望缩写而生义,甚至做到断一半缩写也能取出其中含义,从而免去雪地跪求大侠解释的痛苦。水民们还可以通过本应 …

5x4+2+2=24, it's easy to use these four numbers to get 24, but how about 3, 3, 7, and 7? iCalc24!, an Educational math game. Use all given 4 numbers o …

iReadChinese, a super helpful tool for you to learn Chinese. You can select one or more words to listen the pronunciation. You can input Chinese chara …

Vocal application iReadSpanish is a very helpful tool for you to learn Spanish. You can select one word to hear the pronunciation or one sentence to l …