This is android version of well known and popular TV game. As the title of the game indicates, it is based on two skills: numeracy rounds and letters …
Paroliamo è stato un quiz televisivo, derivato dal programma francese Des chiffres et des lettres.This is android version of well known and popular TV …
This is android version of well known and popular TV game, in France known as "Des chiffres et des lettres" France), in UK as "Countdown Show", in Aus …
"Številke in črke" so slovenska različica popularne miselne TV igre, ki je bila pred leti ena najbolj gledanih oddaj na hrvaški televiziji. Igra se je …
Application helps you in learning and solving game called Slagalica, one of the most popular tv shows on Serbian national broadcasting corporation(RTS …
This is android version of well known and popular TV game. As the title of the game indicates, it is based on two skills: numeracy rounds and letters …
Letters and numbers is one of the most popular TV shows in Europe. It reached top popularity in France (known as "Des chiffres et des lettres"), UK (k …
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