Virtual flight Instruments Special Edition uses the iPhone's sensors to implement the basic flight instruments for instrumental flight: - Virtual Elec …
VisualAid allows you to travel without knowing the language of the country you visit, as well as it allows you to you to practise and increase your vo …
VisualAid allows you to travel without knowing the language of the country you visit, as well as it allows you to you to practise and increase your vo …
Frases en alemán es un compendio de múltiples frases útiles de la vida cotidiana en Alemania, perfectas para aprender, practicar el idioma o como guía …
This app allow you to learn the most common 120 verbs used in german. Combining the list of verbs with the native audio recordings means you can pract …
PicEnglish allow you to learn the most common 120 irregular verbs used in modern english using pictures.This application combines 120 drawings with th …
This app allow you to learn the most common 120 irregular verbs used in modern english. Combining the list of verbs with the native audio recordings m …
iPhrasal shows 100 common phrasal verbs with meanings, examples and audio recordings. iPhrasal helps learners to practice the most common phrasal verb …
The objective of this game is to score the maximum points in 60 seconds. Move the chicken with your fingers and squeeze it to shoot the eggs. Be quick …
Catálogo de publicaciones de la Universidad de Deusto 2011.Índice de contenidos.Novedades editorialesLos más vendidosSerie granate- Derecho - Cuaderno …