The story takes place on a small island in the South Pacific Ocean. Our little hero is the prince of the island called Kabut. He lived peacefully and …
Forma la palabra con las diferentes letras que están desordenada. Para ello dispones de cuatro palabras de ayuda que irán apareciendo cada 15 segundos …
6 mini games that will challenge your coordination and dexterity skills by using the accelerometer of the mobile terminal. This lite version is limite …
Fun 2D game where you have to dunk the ball found the bottom of the sea, but will not be easy because the ice blocks stand between the ball and the ba …
Boom is a classic similar to minesweeper. You have to open the cells pulling on it but beware that some of them are hiding bombs that explode and lose …
Sencilla aplicación con la que podrás ver series de televisión y dibujos animados desde tu movil. Podrás seleccionar tus series favoritas para que sal …
Simple application that lets you watch movies online on your mobile using wifi network or 3G. The movies are categorized for easy viewing of them. fea …
Simple shooter arcade game 2D. Police Agents Kenny and Jenna investigate a, dangerous secret sect that has been recruiting, followers all over the cou …
La historia transcurre en una pequeña isla al sur del Océano Pacífico. Nuestro pequeño protagonista es el príncipe de la isla llamado Kabut. Él vivió …