QuicklyAirplaneMode は、機内モード(フライトモード)をワンタッチで ON/OFF できる、シンプル・イズ・ベストなウィジェットです。機内モードを ON にすると、3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth などの通信機能が無効になります。バッテリーの消費を抑えたい場合などに役立ちま …
QuicklyPanel is the space saving toggle widget that toggle Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Silent Mode in one cell.QuicklyPanel includes my 4 togg …
QuicklySilentMode is the very simple home screen widget, that changes Ringer Mode - Normal, Vibrate, Silent - with one touch.How to use:-Long tap at a …
MoreQuicklyPanel is a customizable toggle widget at a notification panel.More toggle buttons at a limited notification area by multi-paged feature. A …
MoreQuicklyDock is an application launcher & a task manager that stays at a notification panel. You can run your favorite apps MORE QUICKLY from the n …
QuicklyBluetooth is the very simple home screen widget that ON / OFF Bluetooth.How to use:-Long tap at a home screen, and select [Widget] from the men …
QuicklyWifi is the very simple home screen widget that ON / OFF Wi-Fi.This widget only enable or disable Wi-Fi. It dose not care to connect the Wi-Fi …