

★跳跃吧!跳跳猴!直达神秘森林的最顶端! ★森林里充满危险,跳跃的僵尸,飞行的吸血鬼,跛脚的骷髅,徘徊的幽灵,不要让他们碰到你! ★收集尽可能多的金币,去商店里购买盔甲和服装。 ★玩法很简单: 左右摇动手机,通过重力感应控制跳跳猴的左右跳跃。避开所有的怪物和障碍。 ★★★游戏特色★★★ 1. 高质量 …

Duang Duang Duang~Insanely addictive game!Test how fast you can react with your hands and eyes! Make sure you turn on the sound! Duang~免費玩Duang APP玩免費 …
Pixel Color

The First color guessing game in pixel style! Your painting teacher Vincent has prepared the unfinished drawings for you, it is your job to color thos …
Spot Odd One

Use any knowledge you know, Spot out the odd one!All clues are in the pictures! How smart are you?If you love this game, Please write a review for us. …
Icon Speaker

Touch comes before speech. It always tells the truth. -Margaret AtwoodCustomer Reviews Received:--It's a good game to play with your reflexes. --Beaut …
Waka Jump

★Jump! Jump! Jump! Top to the forest of mystery!★Jump as a crazy monkey, Fly as a free eagle!★The forest is full of dangers, but the monkey named 'wak …