윙윙 버드~~화면을 터치하면서 새의 높이를 조정하여 번개기둥을 통과하는 단순한 게임입니다.랜덤하게 나오는 아이템을 획득하면 종류에 따라 생명력 증가 또는 번개기둥을 빠르고 쉽게 통과할 수 있습니다.또한 생명력이 다 되어 죽어도 일정 확률에 의해 부활할 수 있습니다.윙윙 …
WingWing Bird~This is a simple game that the bird passes through the lightning pole.Touch the screen to adjust the height of the bird.If the bird obta …
** Dokdo Puzzle, Dokdo Puzzle, Dokdo Puzzle **There are 3*3, 4*4 and 5*5 mode. Each mode has the best record, so we can check our ranking in each mode …
World word puzzle is the puzzle game finding words horizontally, vertically, diagonally.If you find word you can see other language you set. It helps …
** Dokdo Jigsaw Puzzle, Dokdo Jigsaw Puzzle, Dokdo Jigsaw Puzzle **We can see that Dokdo is Korean territory through Korean Ministry of Foreign Affair …
"World Number Puzzle" is the game drawing a line and adding numbers to make numbers at the bottom.You can draw a line horizontally, vertically, diagon …