
《蜜蜂泡泡射擊》是壹款消除類休閑遊戲。遊戲操作玩法也很傳統,屬於色彩泡泡射擊,玩家選擇壹個方向發射相同顏色的泡泡,三個以上觸碰就可以消除。每壹關都有壹定的步數限制,要求玩家在限定的步數內將包含小蜂巢的泡泡擊落。這款遊戲關卡中並沒有時間限定,除了限制步數比較糾結之外,另壹個難點就是各種各樣的障礙物了, …
Diamond Drift

"Finally something different!"Diamond Drift is not just another Jewel game. Unlike those games, Diamond Drift lets you drag a chain of gems around the …
Jewel Spirit

Jewel Spirit's unique online feature lets you compete for highest scores with people from around the world who start play the game around the same …
Basket Shot

Basket Shot! is a face pace uninterrupted basketball shooting game. It is simple to play but great when you have a few minutes to kill.# Easy to learn …